Working Cables without a Cable Needle

Here’s a short video about working cables without a cable needle, my preferred method. I love working cables, but don’t like fiddling with the cable needle. I’m able to work most cable crosses as long as they are a 4 stitch by 4 stitch cross or smaller. For some of the more complicated cable crossings I need to bring out the needle, but for most projects no needle works just fine. Here’s the video followed by some written instructions. Hope you enjoy!

If instruction says “slip to cable needle and hold in BACK”

• Guide your right needle in FRONT of the stitches on your left needle

• Skip over the number of stitches for the cable needle and pick up the next number of stitches to be knit

• Let the two “cable” stitches drop off the right needle to the back and quickly pick them up with your left needle

• Put the stitches you moved to right needle back on the left needle

• Work all the stitches

If instruction says “slip to cable needle and hold in FRONT”

• Guide your right needle BEHIND the stitches on your left needle

• Skip over the number of stitches for the cable needle and pick up the next number of stitches to be knit

• Let the two “cable” stitches drop off the right needle to the front and quickly pick them up with your left needle

• Put the stitches you moved to right needle back on the left needle

• Work all the stitches

Umaro Blanket: Step-by-Step Lace and Cables

This post offers a series of 5 videos for the students in the Umaro class at Hillsborough Yarn Shop in Hillsborough, NC. The Umaro Blanket pattern by Jared Flood contains lace and cables. The following videos show:

Row 1 of the chart, working increases and decreases

Row 2 of the chart, working a wrong-side row

Row 3 of the chart, working increases and decreases and moving markers

Row 7 of the chart, working the cable

Running a lifeline.

Row 1 of the chart, working increases and decreases

Row 2 of the chart, working a wrong-side row

Row 3 of the chart, working increases and decreases and moving markers

Row 7 of the chart, working the cable

Running a lifeline