Thrummed Slippers: Instep and Upper Foot (revised instructions)

Here’s a video showing how to work the Instep and Upper Foot on the Cadeautje Slippers by Ysolda Teague. The video starts after having complete the toe cap. I revised the pattern instructions to make them easier to understand, and they’re written out here below the video. These instructions replace the “Instep and Upper Foot” section in the pattern.

Instep and upper foot

(Put a stitch marker on the stitch before the gap closest to the toe on each side of the toe cap.)

Next row: \

• Knit to marked stitch

• SSK marked stitch together with the following stitch

• Remove stitch marker and place on the SSK you just made

• TURN (1 stitch decreased)

*Next row:

• Slip 1

• Purl to marked stitch

• P2tog marked stitch and following stitch

• Remove stitch marker and place on the p2tog you just made

• TURN (1 st decreased)

Next rnd – this round will be worked across the upper foot, all the way around the back of the slipper past the EOR marker and back across the upper foot:

• Slip 1

• Knit to marked stitch

• SSK marked stitch together with the following stitch

• Remove stitch marker and place on the SSK you just made

• Without turning, knit to EOR

• Slip EOR marker

• Knit 2

• Purl to 1 stitch before the marked stitch

• K2tog next stitch and marked stitch

• Remove stitch marker and place on the K2tog you just made

• Knit to marked stitch

• SSK marked stitch together with the following stitch

• Remove stitch marker and place on the SSK you just made

• TURN (3 stitches decreased.)

Next row:

• Slip 1

• Purl to marked stitch

• P2tog marked stitch together with the following stitch

• Remove stitch marker and place on the P2tog you just made

• TURN (1 st decreased)

Next rnd:

• Slip 1

• Knit to marked stitch,

• SSK marked stitch together with the following stitch

• Remove stitch marker and place on the SSK you just made

• Without turning, Purl to 1 stitch before EOR

• Knit 1

• Slip EOR marker

• Knit to 1 stitch before marked stitch

• K2tog next stitch together with the marked stitch

• Remove stitch marker and place on the K2tog you just made

• Knit to marked stitch

• SSK marked stitch together with the following stitch

• TURN (3 sts decreased)

Repeat from * 2[2,2,2](3,3,3,)[3,3,3] more times. On last round, don’t turn after ssk.

29[33,37,39](35,37,41)[43,47,49] stitches remain.

Knit to EOR

Next rnd:

• K2

• P to 1 st before marked st

• K2tog next st and marked stitch

• K to marked st

• P to 1 st before EOR,

• K1 28[32,36,38](34,36,40)[42,46,48]sts.