Orime Sweater Finishing: Collar Extension to Outside Back Seam (top-to-side seam)

The Orime Sweater, by Veronik Avery, is a pattern published by Brooklyn Tweed. This post shows how to seam the collar extensions to back neck. The back neck is at the top of the piece. The collar extension is sewn at the side to the back. This post and video show how to work a top-to-side seam.

Here are instructions on how to work a figure-8 knot at the beginning (and the end) of a seam:

Orime Finishing Figure 8 Knot.jpg

This is where the seams are located on the pattern schematic.

Orime Finishing Collar to Back Schematic.jpg

These are the steps to complete the seam:

Orime Finishing Shoulder Seam Steps.jpg

And here’s the video demonstrating how to sew this top-to-side seam (collar extensions to back):